Friday, November 23, 2012

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss is There a Difference?

Is there a difference between weight loss and fat loss?

If, like many people, you said yes, you guessed wrong. Fat loss and weight loss are not the same thing at all. In fact, they are not even close.

If you browse the diet book section of your local bookstore, or surf the Web, you will see that most books and diet programs contain the words weight loss in their title or subtitle. Most diet programs are about weight loss, which is the incorrect approach to this whole area. As a trainer and author specializing in healthy fat loss and fitness, I recommend you only concern yourself with taking off excess fat.

Here is why.

weight loss vs fat loss

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  1. Sweeten your desserts, foods and drinks with honey in its place of white sugar. Cutting back on processed sugary products insures that your body is absorbing additional nutrients and consuming fewer calories. If you do have a craving for something sweet, use honey in place of sugar.

  2. I agree with that comment. In fact it is something I have been doing for many years. However honey should also be used in moderation:)

  3. Weight ,loss vs fat loss is given here. Read all about it
